Smart planning of lighting to warehouses

High ceilings, high shelves and up to a high level of activity - in warehouses the light should reach from the ceiling to the floor. With sensor-controlled lighting solutions and luminaires with high power and the right light distribution, you get a high storage that is both energy efficient and has a comfortable, adequate light that reaches all the way. Our lighting designer Mikael Lennartsson shares some basic advice when planning lighting for warehouses.

A warehouse does not necessarily have to consist only of large rooms with high ceilings and long rows of shelves, but can also contain open spaces for packing, loading or storage. Therefore, it is important to review both requirements and conditions - what is the ceiling height in the different parts, width of the aisle, placement of shelves and so on. Drawing all the details is a must.

- With the correct information, you can create optimal lighting and energy efficiency well, otherwise the risk is that you overdo it, Mikael explains.

In halls with high shelves and long aisles, a luminaire solution with good vertical lighting is central making the light fall right into the aisle and over the shelves. The light distribution of the luminaire is an important aspect here. By varying from wide to narrow light distribution between open surfaces and narrow aisle, adequate light can be achieved. According to the European light standard EN12464-1, the light must reach 200 lux in areas that are used continuously, manned areas should have 150 lux and in other cases 100 lux. It may be worth adding light over workstations that may be located here and there in a warehouse. Creating a comfortable workplace is central.

- The light must fall over each shelf to make it easier for the workers to load in and out of the shelves, Mikael continues. At the same time, it is important that the luminaires are equipped with good glare protection so that the light does not irritate the truck drivers when loading. Here, our luminaire Sarek with the microprismatic lens is an optimal choice.

With all of today's energy requirements, it is important to have a smart solution with zones that are lit wherever needed and as energy-efficient luminaires as possible.

- If it is possible, equipping the luminaires with lighting control is preferable. You can set a basic light in the aisles of, for example, 10% which is lit up to 100% when someone enters that zone.

Finally, the luminaire's IP rating and service life are also worth considering for the most sustainable lighting possible. With the high ceiling heights, the luminaires are difficult to reach and therefore you want to minimize the need for maintenance. A luminaire solution with a long service life in itself minimizes the need for renewal, but also the correct IP classification is needed in environments with a risk of a lot of dust, dirt and moisture. With LED lighting, you also avoid worrying about cold in the same way as with traditional T8 or T5 fluorescent lamps. All for a more durable and entertainment-free lighting.

Lighting design for optimal solutions

Mikael Lennartsson is Team Leader for the Lighting Design group, located in Jönköping Sweden. He and his team produce lighting design calculations and help develop optimal lighting solutions for our customers. With documents, drawings and visualizations, we can offer our customers a preview of what projects will look like for the best possible results.

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Lighting for warehouses