Malmö University Hospital

"Sustainability is important to us"

Malmö University Hospital is the third largest university hospital in Sweden, a large part of the welfare sector and a significant part of the community. Sustainability is therefore of great importance to the hospital. They work in environmental projects in all organizations and at all levels.


Better light in public areas

Håkan Hansson at Region Skåne has decided to install 20 pieces of Aura Lunaria in entrances and elevators at the University Hospital in Malmö. ” We replaced very old lighting with these new LED panels that give a really nice and inviting lighting in our facilities ,” says Håkan .


Reduced energy consumption

Håkan says that the light display is fantastic and it is also an energy saving solution. ” We are reducing our energy consumption with this solution , there’s no doubt about it. With the help of the sensors, we save even more.”

”Sustainability is important to us at Region Skåne , we have concrete goals that says that we should reduce and revise our energy values. This lighting project is part of our energy solution”, says Håkan Hansson.


Rasmus Andersson

Sales director, Sweden & Finland
Phone: +46 (0)70-635 93 43

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